
A principal finalidade desde ciclo de estudos é a aquisição, por parte dos mestrandos, de uma especialização de natureza profissional que os habilite para a docência nos níveis da Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este mestrado visa a construção de conhecimentos e o desenvolvimento de competências em diferentes dimensões com base:

  • Nos conhecimentos obtidos ao nível do 1.º ciclo de estudos, aprofundando-os e desenvolvendo-os técnica e cientificamente;

  • Nas competências genéricas e específicas da profissão com vista a uma aplicação multicontextualizada, promotora de uma educação de qualidade;

  • Na capacidade de utilizar e de integrar saberes próprios da sua especialidade e saberes transversais adequados aos respetivos níveis de ensino.

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Almada / Lisbon

Helena Ribeiro de Castro

MAster's Degree in Early Childhood and 1st Cycle of Basic Education

1st Year

UC – 1st Semester CH  ECTS   UC – 2nd Semester CH  ECTS
Study of the Physical and Social Environment  50 TP  5 Ethics and Professional Development (1)  30 TP  2
Integrated Expressions  40 TP  3 Pedagogy and Didactics of Portuguese Language  50 TP | 8 OT  10
Personal and Social Education  30 TP  3 Pedagogy and Didactics of Mathematics  50 TP | 8 OT  10
Oral and Written Portuguese Language  40 TP  6 Pedagogy and Didactics of the Study of the Physical and Social Environment  36 TP | 4 OT  8
Mathematics  40 TP  6 Community Intervention Projects (1)  30 TP  2
Curricula Organization and Development  36 TP | 4 OT  4
Educational Psychology  30 TP  3

(1) Optional – Choose 1 unit.

2nd Year

UC – Annual CH  ECTS
Supervised Teaching Traineeship in Early Childhood 30 TP | 300 SE | 20 OT  22
Supervised Teaching Traineeship in Primary Education (1st Cycle) 30 TP |  300 SE | 20 OT  22
UC – 1st Semester CH  ECTS
Special Education Needs and Curricula Differentiation  30 TP  2
Pedagogy and Didactics of Integrated Expressions  50 TP |4 OT  9
Education Research Seminar  30 TP | 20 SE  5

UC – Curricular Unit | CH – Workload | ECTS – ECTS Credits | T – Theoretical | PL – Practical and Laboratory | TP – Theoretical/Practical | SE – Seminar/Internship | OT – Tutorial.

Admission requirements

Holders of undergraduate (Licenciado) degree in Basic Education.

In order to comply with the provisions of Art. 17, Decree-Law n. 79/2014, dated May 14, 2007, the means for assessment of Portuguese Language domain skills and of essential rules of logic and argumentation rhetorical and critical domain, according to applicant profiles, will be:

  • the training done in higher education in the field of the Portuguese Language, namely the type of the completed CU(s) and their average grades;
  • their professional CV;
  • written and oral test.

Diploma requirements

A successfully concluded MAster’s Degree in Pre-Primary Education and Primary Education (1st Cycle) Teacher Training required completion of a study program of 90 mandatory ECTS credits allocated as follows:

  • 71 ECTS credits to the specialization program;
  • 49 ECTS credits to the Supervised Teaching Practice and Education Seminar Research curricular units.

Master’s degree holders in Pre-Primary Education and Primary Education (1st Cycle) Teacher Training have thus acquired the skills and competences to:

  • Design and develop primary school curriculum through planning, organization and evaluation of educational environment, activities and curriculum project;
  • Carry out planning and assessment processes with the aim of matching children’s needs to development and learning goals;
  • Create and promote the class environment that fosters the establishment of child-adult and child-child interpersonal relationships and thus promotes emotional security, autonomy and cooperation;
  • Encourage children’s curiosity, and the ability to perform tasks and solve problems;
  • Foster personal and social development of children based on the principles of education for citizenship;
  • Involve the family and the community in the educational process;
  • Make self-assessment through reflection on one’s own performance;
  • Build awareness of the need for continuing education.

Accreditation / Evaluation

Career opportunities

  • Teaching in Early childhood, in public and private education;
  • Teaching in 1st Cycle of Basic Education, in public and private education.


Professional title

Early Childhood Educator and Teacher of 1st Cycle of Basic Education.

Jean Piaget Higher School of Education of Almada

Registered at the Directorate-General of Higher Education (DGES – Direção-Geral de Ensino Superior) with n. R/A-Cr 169/2015, and published in the Official Journal (Diário da República), Ministerial Order n. 9556/2015.

2 years / 4 semesters • 120 ECTS Credits


Further studies

Master’s degree gives access to doctoral studies in terms and under the conditions of the currently valid legislation.


Study area


  • Possibilidade de frequência em regime pós-laboral;
  • Métodos de ensino interativos e dinâmicos;
  • Acompanhamento de perto por uma equipa de excelência de docentes;
  • Excelente localização: 1 min. da estação do Pragal e a 10 min. de Lisboa.