Available at
Silves (Algarve)

Goreti Batista
Available at
Vila Nova de Gaia (Oporto)

Neide Feijó
Available at

Providência Marinheiro
1st Year
UC – 1st Semester | CH | ECTS | UC – 2nd Semester | CH | ECTS | |
Nursing Fundamentals I | 100 T |10 TP | 40 PL | 10 OT | 10 | Nursing Fundamentals II | 110 T | 20 TP | 40 PL | 10 OT | 11 | |
Ethics, Deontology and Epistemology of Nursing | 40 T | 20 TP | 10 OT | 4 | Anatomophysiology II | 70 T | 20 TP | 5 | |
Anatomophysiology I | 70 T | 20 TP | 5 | General Pathology | 60 T | 10 TP | 4 | |
Biochemistry and Biophysics | 30 T | 30 TP | 4 | Microbiology and Parasitology | 30 T | 20 TP | 3 | |
Developmental Psychology: Epigenesis and Life Cycles | 30T | 10 TP | 3 | Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy | 40 T | 30 TP | 4 | |
Communication and Therapeutic Relationship in Nursing | 60 TP | 4 | Anthroposociology and Fieldwork | 20 T | 30 TC | 3 |
2nd Year
UC – 1st Semester | CH | ECTS | UC – 2nd Semester | CH | ECTS | |
Clinical Teaching: Nursing Fundamentals | 20 S | 384 E | 20 OT | 21 | Clinical Teaching: Community and Family Nursing | 20 S | 240 E | 20 OT | 14 | |
Community and Family Nursing | 70 T | 30 TP | 20 PL | 10 OT | 6 | Maternal and Obstetrical Health Nursing | 40T | 20 TP | 10 PL | 10 OT | 4 | |
Elderly Health Nursing | 20 T | 20 TP | 4 OT | 3 | Health Education | 20 T | 10 TP | 10 OT | 3 | |
Research Methods | 30 TP | 10 OT | 3 | ||||
Clinical Teaching: Elderly Health Nursing | 6 S | 120 E | 8 OT | 6 |
3rd Year
UC – 1st Semester | CH | ECTS | UC – 2nd Semester | CH | ECTS | |
Clinical Teaching: Maternal and Obstetrical Health Nursing | 10 S | 176 E | 10 OT | 8 | Clinical Teaching: Medical-Surgical and Speciality Nursing | 20 S | 456 E | 20 OT | 22 | |
Medical-Surgical and Speciality Nursing | 180 T | 60 TP | 30 PL | 10 OT | 15 | Child Health and Pediatric Nursing | 40 T | 20 TP | 4 OT | 4 | |
Personal Portfolio | 40 O | 3 | Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing | 40 T | 20 TP | 4 OT | 4 | |
Health Psychology and Group | 40 T | 20 PL | 10 OT | 4 |
4th Year
UC – 1st Semester | CH | ECTS | UC – 2nd Semester | CH | ECTS | |
Research in Nursing | 10 T | 10 PL | 10 S| 20 OT | 3 | Clinical Teaching: Professional Integration I | 10 S | 400 E | 20 OT | 22 | |
Clinical Teaching: Child Health and Pediatric Nursing | 10 S | 224 E | 20 OT | 12 | Clinical Teaching: Professional Integration II | 10 S |176 E | 10 OT | 8 | |
Clinical Teaching: Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing | 10 S | 224 E | 20 OT | 12 | ||||
Management and Administration in Nursing | 30 T | 20 TP | 3 |
UC – Curricular Unit | CH – Workload | ECTS – ECTS Credits | T – Theoretical | TP – Theoretical/Practical | PL – Practical and Laboratory | OT – Tutorial | O – Other | E – Internship | S – Seminar
Admission requirements
Successful applicants are admitted through one of the following competitions:
- Institutional Competition: completed secondary education and one of the following entrance exam groups:
- Biology and Geology
- Biology and Geology + Physics and Chemistry
- Biology and Geology + Portuguese
- Special Competitions:
- Change of Institution/Course
- Readmission
- International Student
- Special Conditions Regimes: see the DGES site.
Diploma Requirements
A successfully concluded Undergraduate Degree in Nursing requires completion of a study program of 240 mandatory ECTS credits.
Consequently, Licenciado degree holders in Nursing acquire the skills and competences necessary to:
- Provide and manage nursing care to the person, throughout the life cycle, to the family and community groups, at different levels of prevention;
- Plan, execute and evaluate nursing care using scientific methodology;
- Formulate care plans, whenever possible in collaboration with patients and/or caregivers;
- Use health promotion strategies appropriate to individuals and groups, respecting individual differences;
- Apply knowledge and skills adequate to the circumstances;
- Ensure the safety of administration of therapeutic substances and techniques;
- Participate in the management of care, services, units or health facilities;
- Plan, organize and conduct training activities and actions of in-service education;
- Implement and participate in research studies in nursing in particular and health in general;
- Plan, develop and collaborate on projects to improve quality of nursing care;
- Decide and act according to ethical principles and respect for the ethical code;
- Develop education for health;
- Contribute to a multidisciplinary and effective team work, maintaining collaborative relationships;
- Develop behaviors that value the profession.
Accreditation / Evaluation
Accredited by the A3ES – Portuguese Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
- Published: 20/06/2018
- Decision of A3ES Board of Directors
V. N. Gaia
Accredited by the A3ES – Portuguese Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
- Published: 24/07/2017
- Decision of the A3ES Board of Directors
- Accredited by the A3ES – Portuguese Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
- Published: 20/07/2017
- Decision of the A3ES Board of Directors
Career opportunities
Career opportunities for Licenciado degree holders in Nursing include jobs and positions in:
- Hospitals;
- Clinics;
- Health centres;
- Units and teams of integrated continuous care;
- Sports centres and organizations;
- Institutions of social support;
- Business companies.
Professional Title
The qualification is recognized by the Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
The professional title of Nurse requires registration with the Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
Jean Piaget Higher School of Health of Vila Nova de Gaia
Registered at the Directorate-General of Higher Education (DGES – Direção-Geral de Ensino Superior) with n. R/A-Ef 178/2011/AL02, and published in the Official Journal (Diário da República), Notice 635/2018, dated January 10, 2018.
Jean Piaget Higher School of Health of Silves
Jean Piaget Higher School of Health of Viseu
4 years / 8 semesters • Total = 240 ECTS Credits
Further studies
Undergraduate degree in Nursing gives access to postgraduate studies in terms and under the conditions of the currently valid legislation.
Study area
The purpose of the student’s assessment is to evaluate his/her achievements in the acquisition and development of knowledge and competences defined in the Curricular Units syllabi.
Thus, assessment methods and instruments are adapted to the specific objectives, characteristics and contents of the corresponding Curricular Unit, and assessment is carried out in accordance with the currently valid Attendance and Assessment Regulations.
There are two main types of assessment: Continuous Assessment, which assesses the student’s work over an academic period (semester / quarter / year), e.g. his/her participation in the Curricular Unit activities, individual and/or group assignments, oral and written tests, etc., and Assessment by Exam, which assesses only the student’s performance at the exam he/she sits for.
- Estágios curriculares incluídos na propina;
- Acesso especial para detentores de CTeSP ou CET;
- Bolsas de estudo:
- Para estudantes com baixos rendimentos;
- Para estudantes com média acima dos 14 valores;
- Qualidade reconhecida em Portugal e na Europa por empregadores e mais de 5.000 enfermeiros formados;
- V. N. Gaia: Transfer Gratuito entre comboio e o campus
Índice de Empregabilidade (1)
- Silves: 100%
- V. N. Gaia: 95%
- Viseu: 95%
(1) Fonte: Ministério da Educação, “Dados e Estatísticas de Cursos Superiores”