
Os objetivos principais do 2.º Ciclo de Estudos em Psicologia Social e das Organizações são:

  • Evidenciar e desenvolver os conceitos fundamentais na gestão de recursos humanos e em processos sociais e organizacionais;

  • Desenvolver os conhecimentos complementares e instrumentais que permitam o desempenho das atividades de psicólogo social e das organizações em diferentes contextos de intervenção;

  • Permitir a experiência da prática da psicologia social e das organizações em diferentes contextos;

  • Consolidar as competências relacionadas com a investigação através da elaboração, desenvolvimento e execução de projetos de investigação.

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Almada (Lisbon)

Professora Cristina de Sousa, Coordenadora do Mestrado de Psicologia Social e das Organizações no Instituto Piaget de Almada

Cristina de Sousa

Master's Degree in Social and Organizational Psychology

1st Year

UC – 1st Semester CH  ECTS   UC – 2nd Semester CH  ECTS
Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management  20 T | 20 TP  5 Personal and Professional Competences  40 TP  4
Organizational Behavior   20 T | 30 TP  6 Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention  36 TP | 4 OT  5
Communication in Social and Organizational Contexts   20 T | 30 TP  5 Human Resources Management  30 T | 20 TP  6
Group Processes and Social Cognition  20 T | 20 TC  4 Advanced Research Methods and Data Analysis  20 TP | 30 PL  5
Applied Social Psychology   20 T | 20 TP  6 Training and Social Intervention Programs  36 TP | 4 OT  6
Advanced Themes in Psychology  32 SE | 8 OT  4 Occupational Health Psychology  20 T | 20 TP  4

2nd Year

UC – Annual CH  ECTS
Dissertation  30 SE |  30 OT  42
Internship  350 SE | 30 OT  18

UC – Curricular Unit | CH – Workload | ECTS – ECTS Credits | T – Theoretical | PL – Practical and Laboratory | TP – Theoretical/Practical | SE – Seminar/Internship | OT – Tutorial

Admission requirements

Successful applicants are required to hold a Licenciado degree or its legal equivalent, in Psychology.

Diploma requirements

A successfully concluded Master’s Degree in Social and Organizational Psychology requires the completion of a study program of 120 mandatory ECTS credits allocated as follows:

  • 60 ECTS credits to the specialization program;
  • 60 ECTS credits to the Internship and Dissertation curricular units.

Master’s degree holders in Social and Organizational Psychology have thus acquired the skills and competences to:

  • Collaborate and engage in different contexts on the basis of the acquired technical and scientific knowledge in Social and Organizational Psychology;
  • Design, develop and implement research projects in order to promote the importance of research in Social and Organizational Psychology;
  • Develop and implement social and organizational intervention projects;
  • Manage and develop human resources in organizational contexts.

Accreditation / Evaluation


Career opportunities

Professional practice of psychology.


Professional title

Psychologist in Social and Organizational Psychology.

The qualifications require registration by the Ordem dos Psicólogos.

Higher Institute of Intercultural and Transdisciplinary Studies of Almada

Registered at the Directorate-General of Higher Education (DGES – Direção-Geral de Ensino Superior) with n.R/B 1534/2007, dated January 25, 2007. Ministerial Order n. 11035/2012, dated August 13, 2012.

2 years / 4 semesters • 120 ECTS credits


Further studies

Master’s degree gives access to doctoral studies in terms and under the conditions of the currently valid legislation.


Study area

Social Science – Psychology



The purpose of the student’s assessment is to evaluate his/her achievements in the acquisition and development of knowledge and competences defined in the Curricular Units syllabi.

Thus, assessment methods and instruments are adapted to the specific objectives, characteristics and contents of the corresponding Curricular Unit, and assessment is carried out in accordance with the currently valid Attendance and Assessment Regulations.

There are two main types of assessment: Continuous Assessment, which assesses the student’s work over an academic period (semester / quarter / year), e.g. his/her participation in the Curricular Unit activities, individual and/or group assignments, oral and written tests, etc., and Assessment by Exam, which assesses only the student’s performance at the exam he/she sits for.


  • Acesso à admissão na Ordem dos Psicólogos;
  • Possibilidade de frequência em regime pós-laboral;
  • Centro de Psicologia e Intervenção Social no Campus;
  • Protocolos com organizações de prestígio;
  • Excelente localização: 1 min. da estação do Pragal e 10 min. de Lisboa.