Available at
Almada / Lisbon

Helena Ribeiro de Castro
Vila Nova de Gaia / Oporto

Alcina Figueiroa
1st Year
UC – 1st Semester | CH | ECTS | UC – 2nd Semester | CH | ECTS | |
Natural Sciences in 1st and 2nd Cycle of Basic Education | 40 TP | 30 PL | 7 | Study of the Physical and Social Environment – History and Geography | 36 TP | 5 | |
Integrated Expressions | 40 TP | 3 | Ethics and Professional Development (1) | 30 TP | 2 | |
Portuguese Language in 1st Cycle of Basic Education | 50 TP | 6 | Pedagogy and Didactics of the Portuguese Language in 1st Cycle of BE | 40 TP | 4 OT | 7 | |
Mathematics in 1st and 2nd Cycle of Basic Education | 40 TP | 30 PL | 7 | Pedagogy and Didactics of the Mathematics in 1st and 2nd Cycle of Basic Education | 50 TP | 8 OT | 8 | |
Curricula Organization and Development | 36 T | 4 OT | 4 | Pedagogy and Didactics of the Natural Sciences in 1st and 2nd Cycle of BE | 50 TP | 8 OT | 8 | |
Educational Psychology | 30 T | 3 | Community Intervention Projects (1) | 30 TP | 2 |
(1) Optional – Choose 1 unit.
2nd Year
UC – Annual | CH | ECTS |
Supervised Teaching Traineeship in Primary Education (1st Cycle) | 30 TP | 300 SE | 20 OT | 22 |
Supervised Teaching Traineeship in 2nd Cycle of BE-Mathematics and Natural Sciences | 30 TP | 300 SE | 20 OT | 22 |
UC – 1st Semester | CH | ECTS |
Special Education Needs and Curricula Differentiation | 30 TP | 2 |
Pedagogy and Didactics of the Integrated Expressions in 1st Cycle of Basic Education | 40 TP | 4 OT | 4 |
Pedagogy and Didactics of the Study of the Physical and Social Environment – History and Geography | 40 TP | 4 OT | 5 |
Education Research Seminar | 30 TP | 20 SE | 5 |
UC – Curricular Unit | CH – Workload | ECTS – ECTS Credits | T – Theoretical | PL – Practical and Laboratory | TP – Theoretical/Practical | SE – Seminar/Internship | OT – Tutorial.
Admission requirements
Holders of the undergraduate (Licenciado) degree in Basic Education.
In order to comply with the provisions of Art. 17, Decree-Law n. 79/2014, dated May 14, 2007, the means for assessment of Portuguese Language domain, according to applicant profiles, will be:
- the training done in higher education in the field of the Portuguese Language, namely the type of the completed CU(s) and their average grades;
- their professional CV;
- written and oral test.
Obtenção de Diploma
É objetivo deste 2.º CE que os estudantes se especializem para a docência no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico e para a docência nas áreas disciplinares de Matemática e de Ciências Naturais do 2.º ciclo do EB.
Este mestrado visa desenvolver e aprofundar conhecimentos e competências das matérias relacionadas com as áreas da docência:
- Nos conhecimentos obtidos ao nível do 1.º ciclo de estudos, aprofundando-os e desenvolvendo-os técnica e cientificamente;
- Nas competências genéricas e competências específicas com vista a uma aplicação inovadora, multicontextualizada, promotoras de uma educação de qualidade;
- Na capacidade de utilizar e de integrar saberes próprios da sua especialidade e saberes transversais e multidisciplinares adequados aos respetivos níveis de ensino;
- Na promoção da cidadania, da inclusão e do desenvolvimento humano integral e ecológico de todos os intervenientes no processo educativo.
Accreditation / Evaluation
- Accredited by the A3ES – Portuguese Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
- Published: 12–08–2015
- Decision of the A3ES Board of Directors
V. N. Gaia
- Accredited by the A3ES – Portuguese Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
- Published: 12–08–2015
- Decision of the A3ES Board of Directors
Estatuto profissional
- Professor do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, e Professor de Matemática e Ciências Naturais do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
- Grupos de recrutamento: 110 e 230
Jean Piaget Higher School of Education of Almada
Registered at the Directorate-General of Higher Education (DGES – Direção-Geral de Ensino Superior) and published in the Official Journal (Diário da República), Ministerial Order n. 760/2016, dated January 15, 2016.
Jean Piaget Higher School of Education of Vila Nova de Gaia
Registered at the Directorate-General of Higher Education (DGES – Direção-Geral de Ensino Superior) and published in the Official Journal (Diário da República), Ministerial Order n. 6532/2018, dated July 3, 2018.
2 years / 4 semesters • 120 ECTS credits
Further studies
Master’s degree gives access to doctoral studies in terms and under the conditions of the currently valid legislation.
Study area
- Possibilidade de frequência em regime pós-laboral;
- Acompanhamento de perto por uma equipa de excelência de docentes;
- Almada: Excelente localização: 1 min. da estação do Pragal e a 10 min. de Lisboa;
- V. N. Gaia: Transfer gratuito entre o campus e o comboio.